Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Back from the Jungle/Desert/Middle of Nowhere

Hi folks. I have returned from the "boonies" and I have much to share!

Having spent the last 2 years in the mining industry, I have learnt a great deal about, not only how organisations manage Quality (or don't!), but also a steep increase in my knowledge surrounding work management systems, reliability, and, planning and scheduling.

More importantly, I've been going it alone (tough in the current environment) as a business solutions designer and process performance analyst. There is a LOT to learn when you're marching to the beat of your own drum. I've been spending some time looking at new capabilities on the market which make it easier for companies (of all sizes) to move to "the cloud".

Obviously, that investigation led me to Office 365 which has revolutionised the accessibility of Microsoft Office suite tools and applications. Curiously that also led me (back) to NETBASE SOLUTIONS, where their director, Terry O'brien continues to innovate with his Business Management Systems. NETBASE Solutions, based in Queensland, now have QMS, OHS (including WHS) and EMS systems, either individually or as one hollistic package, ready to bolt on to ANY organisation that currently has Office 365 accounts set up with Sharepoint access.

Even if your company hasn't made the jump to Office 365, NETBASE is now a Microsoft Partner and can sign you up themselves taking the capability to collaborate on the development of your Sharepoint site to the next level.

Terry has refined the NETBASE product range to include a new stand alone small business management system which can be installed in less than a week for companies with around 10 employees. It's an ideal entry point into the features of Sharepoint and Office365, and, enables small entities to really leverage their new capability at a very low cost. Best of all, if that is all your organisation needs, you don't need to expand until your business does.

Don't forget, support for XP is on borrowed time, so now is a good time to upgrade to Office365. Have no fear. It's much easier than the days of yore, sitting there swapping discs for 8 hours. You can have MS Word 2013 on your desktop and running in 20 minutes (unless you're on dial up speeds)!

All in all it's great to be back on the Sunshine Coast ready for another Queensland summer. Here's a short video of just one of the lovely destinations I've seen.

I hope you enjoy it and I'll see you soon!

