Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Quick Tip: Mind Your Language!

I just came across this little gem, and it reminded me of why anyone outside the sphere of Quality, finds the subject as interesting as toast. Not even the buttered kind, probably even toast that is a little bit cold.

"Suitably qualified entities are invited to register their interest in being invited to tender to undertake the role of design services consultant for certain services on the basis described in the Invitation to Register Interest."

I beg your pardon? Now this clearly isn't a quality related statement, but nonetheless, it is an etymological period point, highlighting the need for both sentences with commas, and, demonstrating the superfluous nature of generic statements. Was the author charging by the word?

If you want people to understand and engage in your Management System, then try to not put them in a coma when you are writing associated policies or procedures. If you are dozing off in front of your computer from reading your own work, then what hope does everyone else have?

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